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Weirdest things found on a construction site

Jun 14, 2018 (0) comment , , ,

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There are many stories about weird things found during construction. Sometimes workers come across old buried cars, WWII bombs or even old ships. Here is a list with some of the weirdest things ever found at building sites. In case you have heard some interesting stories, or you yourself have experience finding strange/weird artifacts, you are welcome to share these in the comment section.

[clickToTweet tweet=”A mammoth was found in a #constructionsite 🏗️” quote=”A mammoth was found in a #constructionsite 🏗️”]

1. An old 18th Century Ship

In Alexandria, Virginia, construction workers were working on a new hotel when they discovered a old war-era ship. It is believed to have been deliberately sunken between 1775 and 1798.

2. A VW Bug

Maybe he took it a step too far?

3. 1957 Chevrolet station wagon

Anyone else thinking that was not the best solution?

Read also: Funny fixes 

4. Liquor storage

Can we assume that these guys had a fun Friday bar that week?

5. Secret safe of a famous druglord

After the days of the infamous druglord, Pablo Escobar, there have come new owners to his many houses. One is in Miami Beach, Florida, where the new owner decided to tear the house down. In the process, the demolition crew found a secret safe. Unfortunately, we don’t know what the safe contained.

6. Mammoth

Photo credit:  Loren Davis

On a construction project to expand the Oregon State University, construction workers found ancient bones. One of the biggest bones discovered was a mammoth femur, 5 feet long.

7. A brand new 1953 C1 Corvette

Well, you know what they say: “Better late than never”.

8. Dinosaur eggs

These eggs were found in the Chinese city of Heyuan. The eggs were found by workers during the repairment of a road. 19 of them were completely intact, and the largest of them were 5 inches (13 cm) in diameter.

9. 600 kilos of Roman coins

The coins are believed to have been stored to pay soldiers or civil servants. Some of the coins studies so far,  bear images of the emperors, Constantine and Maximian.

10. One-ton WWII bomb

That’s one big bomb!

11. 700-hundred-old mummy

Imagine finding that.

12. Time capsule


13. A 10 meter-long Anaconda

Let’s hope they were not afraid of snakes.

14. A skull with a bullet

15. A bank safe

16. Stone arrow heads

It’s a good thing that nowadays you don’t need stone weapons in order to have a dinner, isn’t it?

17. A whole whale carcass

18. A grenade

The moment when you find a grenade at work and suddenly the saying, “it’s the little things that matter”, gets a whole new meaning.

19. Letter to Santa

It might not sound like a big thing, but the letter was from 1943 by a young boy named David. So what were his wishes? He wished for a silk tie, slippers, pencil box and chalk. The construction workers who found the letter, even made sure that David got what he wished for. See that in the video below.

20. 1,800 year old sarcophagus

In Israel, a estimated 1,800 year-old sarcophagus were found. The workers that found it, decided to pull the coffin out of the ground with a tractor, resulting in damaging it. The Israeli authorities head about the discovery afterwards, and the workers could now be facing up to 5 years in prison. Let’s hope they have learned their lesson on that one.

[clickToTweet tweet=”A 700 year old mummy was found on a #constructionsite ⛏️” quote=”A 700 year old mummy was found on a #constructionsite ⛏️”]

Special thanks to Lazar Stanev for his contribution to this article originally found here.

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