7 Mindsets That Guarantee Enduring Success

In the business of success there are two types of people – the one-hit-wonders who enjoy short-term success and those who achieve enduring success that sustains them for life. The businessperson who holds the belief that they already have what it takes to be successful and that they already know what they need to know, approach success from a limited and closed mind. They avoid change, have difficulty accepting advice or criticism and sidestep personal growth. This type of person can climb (or bully) their way to the top but their long-term success does not prove to be sustaining. To achieve enduring success, adopt the mindset that success is determined by how much you grow and develop. You have to believe that the more you learn, the more successful you have the opportunity to become.
1. I can always improve.
Success is built upon your ability to learn. Set your mind to viewing your teachers, coaches, colleagues, and bosses as mentors. They are resources for you to be open to. If you go into any situation believing you already have it figured out, you stunt your ability to become more successful. When you are not caught up in proving yourself or showing off your skills and talents you are more relaxed and open to learn. Things are not frantic. You’re open to listen and observe, which allows you to progress.
Believe improvement is always a possibility. Be ready and willing to stretch and expand yourself beyond what you currently know. If you are comfortable where you are, you are likely to stay exactly where you’re at. Long-term success, however, is grounded in curiosity. It is based in learning and paying attention to information that will stretch your knowledge.
2. Mistakes correct me.
Success is a process, not an event. Set your mind to the readiness to make mistakes and to experience great challenge. These times will prove to be your greatest gifts. If you are wrong, you will likely be corrected. Take this in because it is an opportunity to learn and to do better the next time. Each time you are corrected and you adjust your approach you are directly increasing your intelligence and trajectory for success. Each time you do not know the answer to something and you ask for assistance you are gaining the knowledge necessary to promote yourself forward.
Mistakes help you to adapt, grow, change, and become more knowledgeable and efficient. They help you to discover who you are through the learning of who you do not want to be. They teach you to forgive, to let go of fears, to live life without regrets, to evolve and grow. They teach you resilience. Success is largely built upon your ability to be humble and learn from your mistakes.
3. There is no limit to what I can learn.
Do you believe there is a limit to your capacity to learn? If so, this mindset will greatly interfere with your chances at cultivating long-term success. Set your mind to believe there is no limit to what you can learn, ever, and nor can you attain sustaining success being a one-trick-pony. Learning benefits your well-being in only the most positive ways. As you are exposed to new ideas you stay engaged and inspired. Learning provides as sense of accomplishment and helps to boost your self-worth and fortitude.
There are always ways to learn new things and in doing this it opens up your world to new people, experiences and opportunities. If you are open to learning you will approach all of life’s situations searching for the growth you can get out them for your benefit and advancement. Never stop trying to be qualified for your job. Always continue learning and growing.
4. Challenge is a springboard.
Open your mind to challenge; welcome it. Challenge isn’t something to avoid, it is the catalyst to success you must thrive upon. Challenge doesn’t just foster the growth of your skills or knowledge, it helps grow the belief deep within yourself that you can do it. The more you challenge yourself and succeed, the greater your confidence in your ability becomes to do it again next time.
Seek challenge. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the dare, the more you stretch. Hire a business coach who will push you past your comfort zone points. Take risks you wouldn’t otherwise take. If someone tells you that you can’t, let these naysayers make you that much more interested in the growth you need to pursue to show yourself and them that, “Oh yes you can.”
5. My attitude and effort create my future.
Set your mind to the understanding that effort is what makes you smart and talented, it is not the organic nature of your brain, where you were educated or the score on your IQ test. Time and again we see that hard work trumps intellect. Most successful businesspeople get by on their character and grit, not through floating by on their sheer intelligence. Skill and talent can only take you so far. As you get to the top ranks everyone will be equal in both. It is the hard workers who end up leading the pack.
Believe wholeheartedly that if you put the effort in you will get the result you want. Be willing to do the things others may view as unnecessary, too time consuming or meaningless, as these details are often the game changers which determine who succeeds and who doesn’t. Shortcuts will only give you a short cut of success.
6. Successful people are helpful.
Believe that other successful people are in your life to lift you up, not keep you down. Successful people are full of useful information which can help you to chart your own path to success. Most are very willing to share with you how they were able to succeed at the higher levels. You are no different than they are; they are simply further along. This works to your benefit. Learn to do what they did to become what they have become. Surround yourself with other success-minded people because they immediately add value to your life or to your business through their friendship, expertise and contacts.
7. I will never give up.
Set your mind to thrive. Persevere no matter your circumstances. Let there be no language of giving up. There is no replacement on any journey towards success more sustaining than perseverance. Talent is not persistence. There are a number of unsuccessful talented, skilled people in this world. Genius is not enough. The unrewarded genius is a legendary creature the world. Education will not get you to success, as the world is full of the uninspired, lazy educated. Success is achieved through never giving up, having patience, persistence, a strong mind, and an unrelenting will get through all levels of frustration. It is only perseverance and raw determination which are sustaining.
When you are willing to learn you can change anything, improve upon anything, and remain open to everything. As you set your mind to grow you increase your brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems in more innovative and effective ways. When you believe you can develop yourself, you are an open vessel to hearing accurate information about your strengths and weaknesses, even if they are not appealing. To achieve enduring success, learn to identify the strengths of yours you can capitalize on and learn where you need more growth. In this way, success is vested in the willingness and interest to learn, grow, and transform. Success is all in your mindset.
This article was originally written by Sherrie Campbell and appeared here.
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